The Northeast UAS Airspace Integration Research Alliance (NUAIR) is seeking companies to design and install the second phase of a beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) unmanned traffic management (UTM) test corridor in New York.
In its request for qualifications (RFQ), NUAIR is seeking qualified respondents who will then be asked to submit a formal proposal. The RFQ covers “system planning, design and integration services” for the UTM Corridor, which is located between Syracuse, N.Y., and Griffiss International Airport in Rome, N.Y.
The request covers “system integration services” for the development of the corridor through 2022. This could include the “planning, design, installation, commissioning and operation of a state-of-the-art UTM research, development, test and evaluation infrastructure.”
The NUAIR Alliance is a Syracuse-based nonprofit coalition of more than 100 public and private entities and academic institutions operating and overseeing drone test ranges in New York, Massachusetts and Michigan – one of the seven federally designated unmanned aircraft systems test ranges in the U.S.
The RFQ, which will remain open until Nov. 30, can be found here.