Our current Sustain+Ability efforts include:
1. Zackin Publications’ headquarters features a 24 kW solar PV installation, made possible in part by a grant from the Connecticut Clean Energy Finance and Investment Authority. The ground-mounted project, which was installed by integrator Sunlight Solar Energy, features 104 modules, each rated at 230 W, and a 30 kW inverter.

2. Zackin Publications is a proud member of The EPA’s Green Power Partnership (GPP). The GPP is a voluntary program that supports the organizational procurement of green power. We offset 100% of the electricity consumed at our offices with RECs backed by 100% wind power generated in the United States. We source our RECs from Renewable Choice Energy.

3. Through Connecticut Light & Power and the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund, we partnered with The Small Business Energy Advantage program to upgrade our lighting to utilize occupancy sensors, as well as more energy-efficient fluorescent tubes and ballasts.

4. We offset 100% of CO2 emissions created by the manufacture of the paper consumed in the printing of our publications (North American Windpower, Solar Industry, Secondary Marketing Executive, and Servicing Management). In 2010, this was equivalent to 66 metric tons of CO2. The offsets are generated through a reforestation project, in Peru executed by our partner Camino Verde –www.caminoverde.org.