Advertising Specifications

Website Ad Specs (Home Page & Content Pages)

Banners Dimensions Max Initial
File Load Size
File Types
Hosting Supported
Super Leaderboard(example) 970px x 90px Max 60KB .jpg, .gif, .png, html, swf Yes
Super Leaderboard
w/ 970x415 Expansion(Template)
970px x 90px Max 60KB .jpg, .gif, .png, html, swf Yes
Pencil w/ 970x415 Expansion(Template) 970px x 33px Max 50KB .jpg, .gif, .png, html, swf Yes
Leaderboard Pop-up(example) 728px x 90px Max 60KB .jpg, .gif, .png, html, swf Yes
Leaderboard(example) 728px x 90px Max 60KB .jpg, .gif, .png, html, swf Yes
w/ 728x315 Expansion(Template)
728px x 90px Max 60KB .jpg, .gif, .png, html, swf Yes
Horizontal Banner(example) 468px x 60px Max 50KB .jpg, .gif, .png, html, swf Yes
Large Square(example) 250px x 250px Max 60KB .jpg, .gif, .png, html, swf Yes
Mobile Site Banner 320px x 50px Max 25k .jpg, .gif, .png Yes

Email Newsletter Ad Specs

Banners Dimensions Max Initial
File Load Size
File Types
Hosting Supported
Super Leaderboard(example) 890px x 90px or 728px x 90px Max 60KB .jpg, .gif, .png, html No
Pencil(example) 890px x 33px Max 50KB .jpg, .gif, .png, html No
Leaderboard(example) 728px x 90px Max 60KB .jpg, .gif, .png, html No
Horizontal Banner(example) 468px x 60px Max 50KB .jpg, .gif, .png, html No
Double Box(example) 125px x 250px Max 50KB .jpg, .gif, .png, html No

Technical Specs

Materials Due: All materials are due 3 business days prior to posting.

File Formats: .jpg, .gif, .png, .swf, html

Hyperlinks: Please indicate the URL that you wish your ad to be linked to (e.g.,

Resolution/Color: 72 dpi max / RGB Color

Flash Animations: Flash files can be used for the website ONLY.
Flash files must have the hyperlink embedded.
Flash files cannot be used for email newsletter advertising.
For email newsletter advertising, please send an animated .gif.

Editing of Files: If any changes need to be made to an ad, clients must submit a new file; changes to online ads cannot be made by the publisher.

File Submission:

E-mail: [email protected] - Please include hyperlink and alt text for ad, as well as any contact information.

General Guidelines:

  • Ads cannot be designed to blend into page content. A 1px border is required or the ad must be clearly defined within the allowable ad space.
  • Ads may not blink, shake, flicker or flash in a disruptive manner. The look and feel of ads cannot match the MS Windows Alert scheme or misrepresent a user’s prompts as an ad. False functionality (a.k.a. fake buttons) is not allowed.
  • The action of clicking on ads must not initiate an application download, and all clicks must open a new browser window.

Audio Guidelines:

  • All audio must be initiated by mouse-hover or user-initiated clicks, with an area of the ad clearly labeled with “hover for sound,” “sound on” or appropriate icons, such as a G clef or speaker. Once initiated, there must be a clear way to turn off the sound with an area of the ad labeled with “mouse over to turn off audio,” “sound off” or an appropriate icon.
  • All ads are subject to review.

Deceptive Functionality:

  • All functionality visually indicated within ads must be working and not designed to deceive.
  • Non-functioning drop-down menus, radio buttons and text boxes will not be accepted.
  • “Close” or “Skip’” buttons must function as labeled and cannot link users to a new website.

Expandable Creatives:

  • Leaderboard and superleaderboard may be supplied as an overlay* or a pushdown** expandable ad.
  • Pencil ads may only be supplied as a pushdown** expandable.
  • Ads may only be expanded by a user-initiated action***.
  • Ads may NOT be expanded by mouse-rollover or on page load. Unless authorized by Unmanned Aerial
  • Ads must display a clearly marked “Close” button that contracts ads to their original dimension.
  • “Close” or “Skip’” buttons must function as labeled and cannot link users to a new website.

*Overlay defined: Displays over the webpage content briefly when initiated.

**Pushdown defined: When the ad is expanded, it “pushes” page content down rather than displaying over the top of page content.

***“user-initiated action” defined: User initiation is the willful act of a user to engage with an ad. Users may interact by clicking on an ad (or a portion of an ad).

Clicking to Other Web Sites:

  • All click interactions that initiate the load of a new Web page must open that Web page in a new browser window.
  • A click-thrugh can launch only one new browser window.
  • Any click-thrugh included with an ad must take users to the website of the advertiser who purchased the ad space unless the advertiser has provided written permission from the site allowing the link to be used.
  • Mouse-over interaction cannot link a user to a new website.

Content Guidelines:

Prohibited: Advertisements that contain fraudulent, deceptive or misleading statements or illustrations, or attacks of a personal nature. Advertisements that are overly competitive or that refer abusively to the goods or services of others. Indecent, vulgar, suggestive or other advertising that, in the opinion of Unmanned Aerial Online, may be offensive to good taste. Advertisements that fail to comply with the express requirements of federal and state laws. Advertisements that violate copyrights. Advertisements that, in our opinion, simulate Web pages and/or Unmanned Aerial Online editorial matter, or that may be confused with our Web pages and/or news or editorial matter.

IQPC id24

Are you comfortable with the use of the term "drone" to describe commercial/civil UAS?

Yes; a UAS is a drone.
No; it gives the technology a negative connotation.
No opinion; it's not important what they are called.

Total Votes: 231
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